Q. How do I apply for the scholars program?
A. Submit one application for the scholars program and the scholarship.
Q. Is there a difference between the Biology Scholars Program and the scholarship?
A. You can be a scholar and participate in activities even if you don't qualify for the scholarship.
Q. Will I need an Academic Works account for the application?
A. Yes, if you haven't used Academic Works before please register for an account. Look or search for "EVC Biology Scholars Program Scholarship"
Q. What are the requirements for being a Biology Scholar?
Enrolled in at least 6 units at EVC
AS-T Biology or Natural Sciences major (Cannot be pre-health science)
Enrolled in a prerequisite biology major course (physics, calculus, chemistry) or any biology class with an earned or current grade of B or higher.
2.5 GPA
Attend program events while a part of the program
Q. What are the requirements for the scholarship?
U.S. Citizen, permanent resident, U.S. national, or admitted refugee.
FAFSA application completed by November 1st.
Q. I submitted a FAFSA in the spring, do I have to do it again now?
A. No! You must have submitted a FAFSA for the 2023-2024 academic year.
Q. I'm an international student. Can I be a Biology Scholar?
A. Yes! You can be in the Biology Scholars Program but do not qualify for the scholarship. Undocumented students can also be part of the Biology Scholars Program.
Q. How do I declare my major or change my major to biology?
A. Fill out and submit this form to Admissions & Records (A&R)
Q. When should I apply for the biology scholars program?
A. You should apply for the program your first semester at EVC, or in the fall before you plan to attend EVC in the spring semester. Scholars can receive $2500 per semester while they are enrolled at EVC, up to 4 semesters (up to $10,000). To take full advantage of the program students should apply early in their career at EVC.